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RPC client specs


Client-side types will be manually maintained so as to follow the behavior of the backend.

(Sean did a modicum of research into whether we’d be able to auto-generate TypeScript types from the backend code, but this didn’t seem viable.)

Examples of how the API would be called


/** @type {ApiRequest<Spacecraft>>} */
const request = api.spacecrafts.get({ id: 42 });

/** @type {CancellablePromise<Spacecraft>} */
const promise =;

/** @type {Spacecraft} */
const spacecraft = await promise; // Might throw!


/** @type {[ApiResult<Spacecraft>, ApiResult<Voyage>]} */
const [spacecraftResult, voyageResult] = await batchSend(
  api.spacecrafts.get({ id: 42 }),
  api.voyages.get({ id: 100 }),

/** @type {Spacecraft} */
const spacecraft = spacecraftResult.unwrap(); // Might throw!

/** @type {Voyage} */
const voyage = voyageResult.unwrap(); // Might throw!

Lower-level types

(Some of these would actually be classes, but the type defs written below give you a rough idea of how they would work.)


interface ApiOk<T> {
  status: 'ok';
  value: T;

interface ApiError {
  status: 'error';
  code: number;
  message: string;
  data?: unknown;

type ApiResult<T> = ApiOk<T> | ApiError;


class ApiRequest<T> {
   * The simplest, most common way to run an API request.
   * @throws `ApiError` when awaited if any errors are encountered.
  run(): CancellablePromise<T> {
    throw Error('Not yet implemented');

   * Provides more fine-grained control instead of `run` by returning
   * ApiResult which can be type-narrowed manually.
   * Will not reject or throw errors.
  send(): CancellablePromise<ApiResult<T>> {
    throw Error('Not yet implemented');

Error handling

Error handling with try/catch

try {
  const spacecraft = await api.spacecrafts.get({ id: 42 }).run();
} catch (e) {

Error handling with match

match(await api.spacecrafts.get({ id: 42 }).send(), 'status', {
  ok: ({ value: spacecraft }) => toast.success(,
  error: ({ message }) => toast.error(message),

(I already implemented this match function in #3037 here.)