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Research: Publicly shareable links

Name: Research: Publicly shareable links Status: Complete Follow up: Shareable links implementation project


| Role | Assignee | |-|-|-| | Owner | Pavish |



  • Research approaches in competing products.
  • Come up with UX flow suggestions.
  • Come up with a preliminary backend and frontend approach to validate feasibility of the features.
  • Adjust scope to the minimal useful initial version of these features.
  • Write up a product spec and go through review, iterations, and approval from the team.
  • Once the product spec is approved, write up a new project for implementating the features.


This project should take 5 days, subject to possible delay due to review feedback and iterations.

Date Outcome
2023-06-26 Work begins
2023-06-28 Product spec is sent for review
2023-06-29 Review is completed
2023-06-30 Feedback and iterations are complete. Work begins on implementation project.