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Filters in Mathesar

This page covers filters from an engineering/architecture perspective. Please see the “Filters” product concepts page for a user-facing looking at filters.

Criteria for Filters in Mathesar

In Mathesar, filters are a subset of functions that take in a set of row or a relation as input and return only the rows that satisfy some condition.

To be considered a filter, a function has to only consider a single row at a time. It should have no knowledge of any other rows in the relation. This means that filters are commutative.


Consider this table:

As an example, here’s a table:

ID Title Year Favorite
1 Dante’s Peak 1997 FALSE
2 Forrest Gump 1994 TRUE
3 The Karate Kid 1984 TRUE
4 Dante’s Peak 1997 TRUE
5 The Karate Kid 1984 TRUE

Here are some examples of correct and wrong filters. The emoji indicates whether they are correct.

  • "Year" > 1990
  • "ID" = 5
  • "Favorite" is TRUE
  • “Title” is a duplicate
  • Latest “Year”


You might be wondering why filter scope is limited to a single row. This is to allow filters to be applied in any order (to ensure filters are commutative). Otherwise, we will need to introduce users to the concept of a pipeline of operations and that seems more complicated to design. We plan to have a separate user-facing concept for operations that will have different results depending on the ordering.

This can be illustrated with treating “is a duplicate” as a filter below and observing how the results change based on ordering. This uses the table from the example above.

Order 1

Imagine the user applies filters in this order: 1. "Year" > 1993 2. "Favorite" is TRUE 3. "Title" is a duplicate

Filter 1: "Year" > 1993

After filtering: | ID | Title | Year | Favorite | |-|-|-|-| | 1 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | FALSE | | 2 | Forrest Gump | 1994 | TRUE | | 4 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | TRUE |

Filter 2: "Favorite" is TRUE

After filtering: | ID | Title | Year | Favorite | |-|-|-|-| | 2 | Forrest Gump | 1994 | TRUE | | 4 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | TRUE |

Filter 3:"Title" is a duplicate

After filtering: 0 results.

Order 2

But instead if the user applies filter in this order 1. "Year" > 1993 2. "Title" is a duplicate 3. "Favorite" is TRUE

Filter 1: "Year" > 1993

After filtering: | ID | Title | Year | Favorite | |-|-|-|-| | 1 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | FALSE | | 2 | Forrest Gump | 1994 | TRUE | | 4 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | TRUE |

Filter 2:"Title" is a duplicate

After filtering: | ID | Title | Year | Favorite | |-|-|-|-| | 1 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | FALSE | | 4 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | TRUE |

Filter 3: "Favorite" is TRUE

After filtering: | ID | Title | Year | Favorite | |-|-|-|-| | 4 | Dante’s Peak | 1997 | TRUE |