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Subject to minor changes.

We should be able to handle anything being discussed for beta through simple extensions of this model framework. Also, these models are intended to get us to beta, while providing flexibility to move forward afterwards. There will be a brief discussion of a desired next iteration at the end.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
password character varying(128) not null
last_login timestamp with time zone
is_superuser boolean
username character varying(150) not null; unique
email character varying(254)
is_staff boolean
is_active boolean
date_joined timestamp with time zone
full_name character varying(255)
short_name character varying(255)
password_change_needed boolean


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
host character varying not null
port integer not null

(host, port) pair is unique.

Theoretically, we could also split the host out, but that seems like premature optimization.

We could consider making the host and port nullable when we’re supporting .pgpass.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
db_name text not null
display_name text not null; unique
db_server integer not null; references DBServer(id)
editable boolean
default_db_server_credential integer not null; references DBServerCredential(id)

(db_server, db_name) is unique. We could consider making db_name nullable when supporting .pgpass. If a Mathesar Admin user doesn’t have an entry in UserDBRoleMap for a given database, they will use the default_credential defined here to connect.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
username character varying not null
password character varying encrypted; not null
db_server integer not null; references DBServer(id)

We could consider making username and password nullable when supporting .pgpass.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
user integer not null; references User(id)
database integer not null; references Database(id)
db_server_credential integer references DBServerCredential(id)
metadata_role enum (‘read only’, ‘read write’)

(user, database) pair is unique. The metadata_role isn’t likely to be technically implemented as an enum on the DB for now. We’ll use a Django-managed TextChoices field to save implementation time. See the current DatabaseRole model and its interaction with the Role class for an example.

Aside: Quick overview of connecting to a DB.

The Django permissions infrastructure should handle CRUD operations on Database, DBServerCredential, DBServer, and UserDBRoleMap resources. When adding a Database for the first time, we’ll also add a DBServer if one doesn’t exist, and add or choose a DBServerCredential to be the default based on the credential provided when adding the Database entry. Actually accessing a database wouldn’t require the permissions infrastructure; we’d instead construct a connection string by joining the appropriate database to the other info found by looking up the user, database pair. For example, given a (user, database) pair like (3, 8), we’d look up the appropriate row in the UserDBRoleMap model to find the db_server_credential (referencing DBServerCredential). We also follow the foreign key to the Database to pick up the db_name and then the foreign key to DBServer to pick up the host and port.

We should eventually add functionality to store some details in a .pgpass dotfile (though probably in a custom location). psycopg can inject the password and/or other missing pieces automatically through these means.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
database integer references Database(id)
base_table_oid integer not null
name character varying(128) not null; unique
description text
initial_columns jsonb not null
transformations jsonb
display_options jsonb
display_names jsonb
  • The JSONB columns are the same format, except now they refer to DB-layer ids, e.g., OIDs and attnums rather than Django-layer IDs.
  • We should consider changing display_options to refer to instances of ColumnMetadata within the JSONB
  • Permissions on this object will be derived from the UserDBRoleMap.metadata_role via the (database, user) pair.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
database integer not null; References Database(id)
table_oid integer not null
attnum integer not null
bool_input enum (‘dropdown’, ‘checkbox’)
bool_true text default: ‘True’
bool_false text default: ‘False’
num_min_frac_digits integer min: 0, max: 20
num_max_frac_digits integer min: 0, max: 20
num_show_as_perc boolean Default: false
mon_currency_symbol text Default?
mon_currency_location enum (‘after-minus’, ‘end-with-space’)
time_format text
date_format text
duration_min character varying(255)
duration_max character varying(255)
duration_show_units boolean
  • The (database, table_oid, attnum) tuple should be unique.
  • Depending on Django’s support for multicolumn CHECK constraints, we should ensure that num_min_frac_digits < num_max_frac_digits.
  • This has a number of fields to replace the current JSON storage of display options, and remove the need for the polymorphic serializer.
  • The only foreign key we reference is the Database(id), needed to map to a specific database where we find the relevant table and column.
  • We don’t need to reference any schema_oid, since a (table_oid, attnum) pair is unique per DB.
  • Permissions to manipulate instances of this model would be derived from permissions to manipulate the relevant table and column in the underlying database.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
database integer not null; references Database(id)
table_oid integer not null
import_verified boolean
is_temp boolean
import_target_oid integer
column_order jsonb
preview_customized boolean
preview_template character varying(255)

I’ve left the preview template in the Mathesar layer. The hope is that we can find a sufficiently featureful and also sufficiently efficient algorithm for getting the template, thereby avoiding needing to move this down into the user Database. There will be more discussion of this below. Permissions to manipulate this should be derived from permissions on the relevant table in the underlying database.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
file character varying(100) not null
created_from character varying(128)
base_name character varying(100)
header boolean
delimiter character varying(1)
escapechar character varying(1)
quotechar character varying(1)
user integer
type character varying(128)
max_level integer
sheet_index integer

When we have our desired logic for cleaning this up sorted out, we should consider removing this model. It’s currently only used ephemerally, but then the actuaul instance hangs around indefinitely.


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
slug uuid unique
enabled boolean
exploration integer not null; references Exploration(id)
db_server_credential integer references DBServerCredential(id)

I’ve chosen to store the db_server_credential id, rather than the creating user, for flexibility. We can derive this from a creating user at the time the Exploration is created, and could (theoretically) update it if the User’s credential for a given DB changes (I wouldn’t recommend this).


Column Type Notes
id integer pkey
created_at timestamp with time zone
updated_at timestamp with time zone
slug uuid unique
enabled boolean
table_oid integer not null
db_server_credential integer references DBServerCredential(id)

After-beta-term vision

For the beta, I’m hoping to avoid some work by keeping things in the Mathesar service models that I’d rather store in the underlying User Databases in a msar_catalog schema. The relevant models are ColumnMetadata and TableMetadata. A big motivation to move this info to the User DB is performance w.r.t. the table previews. Our current algorithm requires lots of back-and-forth between the service layer and the User DB in order to recursively build these preview templates, and to fill them. I also think it’s more natural to keep these metadata models in the User DB, since they’re segregated by User DB, and each instance only refers to objects on that underlying database.

I also think in the even longer term that we should think about storing our Exploration info on the underlying database in the form of views (perhaps in a special msar_queries schema). This presents some technical problems, however, that we haven’t yet solved.

What about names vs. OIDs?

I thought about adding another model to store a general map of names to OIDs for use when resolving missing tables, etc. This would be useful if someone drops and recreates a table, or when trying to export your Mathesar Explorations or Display Settings. I didn’t add that at this stage, since:

  • We’d use the underlying User DB for that map if we move the Metadata models down to the UserDB, and
  • We aren’t prioritizing the features requiring being able to export and reimport your Explorations for beta.