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2024-08-01 maintainer meeting

Attendees: Anish, Brent, Pavish, Sean

Validation of metadata values


I noticed a problem and I’m wondering if it’s worth addressing.

The API accepts arbitrary strings like “foo” for metadata stored in Django CharField fields set to have specific choices values.

For example on columns we have a bool_input field to set whether to show a checkbox or a dropdown:

class ColumnMetaData(BaseModel):
    # ...
    bool_input = models.CharField(
        choices=[("dropdown", "dropdown"), ("checkbox", "checkbox")],
    # ...

But this API request works:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "columns.metadata.set",
  "id": 0,
  "params": {
    "database_id": 1,
    "table_oid": 66125,
    "column_meta_data_list": [
        "attnum": 6,
        "bool_input": "NOPE!"

I would expect that sort of request to fail based on validation either at the service layer or the DB layer.

Weird, right?

Is this a problem? Is it worth addressing for beta?


  • We should fix this eventually, but it seems low priority.
    • We’ll need to fix this on a field by field basis, even using Django’s full_clean method. Anish tried this.
  • Let’s not worry about validation for now, treat this as a documentation issue rather than a validation issue.
  • Might be better in the long run for the backend to validate less, and use more unstructured JSON blobs.
    • Sean has thoughts on this, but putting in the parking lot for now.

Records vs. explorations filtering

Filtering options are different in records.list vs., will this cause an issue for the frontend?

  • No, because explorations use transformations, don’t filter directly.
  • We don’t expect the paradigm to be the same.
  • Can be addressed later if needed, especially if/when explorations functionality is moved to the database layer.